It's safe to say that things are a mess at the moment over at Uber.
Its diversity figures are poor even for Silicon Valley.
It's been under fire for racial issues, and is currently embroiled in a lawsuit over the suicide of a black engineer.
As it becomes increasingly clear that the #deleteUber campaign isn't going anywhere, it's finding itself having to defend against the rise of Lyft, as well as upstarts like Moovn that are coming for its business.
And even its board members and investors are beginning to speak out publicly against the company.
All in all, not a good look.
So what does Uber do?
Well, they've already stolen Eric Holder from Airbnb, and have now decided that having another black person aboard might be a good idea.
And so they’ve somehow managed to poach Bozoma Saint John from Apple.
You might remember Saint John from last year’s WWDC, where she gave the Apple Music presentation.
Her talk got rave reviews, and at the time, much was made about how much she stood out as a black woman in a day full of presentations made by old white men.
Saint John is a marketing genius, and was, until today, head of global and consumer marketing for iTunes and Apple Music. She’s also served time at Pepsi (who, as you may remember, keenly felt her absence with that Kendall Jenner foolishness).
TechCrunch reports that a company insider said that Saint John will be expected to “turn the tide on recent issues.”
Talk about a big job.
Saint John told Recode that she's been given the freedom to define her new role, that of chief brand officer.
“I know what I’m walking into,” she told the blog. “I think it’s a really exciting time to tell the story well. Certainly there have been lots of things that have been swirling around [about] Uber, but I’m interested in telling the story about the service and what is happening from the brand standpoint.”
Things at the company are set to be a bit lonely for Saint John, and not just because she will be one of the few executives of color. The ride sharing company has lost nearly 10 of its top executives of late, including its president, AI lead, SVP of engineering, the director of its autonomous driving unit and its VP of maps and business platforms, among others.
Saint John will report to fellow new hire Frances Frei, who will be taking over as SVP of leadership and strategy.
Congratulations to you, Bozoma, on the promotion. And good luck — you’re really, really, really going to need it.