Season 1 of “Insecure,” the new HBO comedy series, is set to make its Home Entertainment debut on March 21, 2017, the network has announced. This series – created by, written by and starring Golden Globe nominee (Best Actress in a Comedy Series) Issa Rae – will be released as “Insecure: The Complete First Season” on Blu-ray and DVD (both with a free digital download copy), featuring all eight Season 1 episodes and bonus content, including an exclusive and extended look at the “Insecure” characters’ favorite reality show, “Conjugal Visits.”

Creator/writer/star Issa Rae brings her fresh voice to HBO in a series that follows best friends Issa (Rae) and Molly (Yvonne Orji) as they navigate the tricky professional and personal terrain of Los Angeles, while facing the challenges of being two black women who defy all stereotypes, as Issa and Molly stumble their way towards pulling their lives together, while trying their hardest to never settle for less.

Along with Issa Rae and Yvonne Orji, series regulars include Jay Ellis (Lawrence) and Lisa Joyce (Frieda).

The series, written, created, and executive produced by Issa Rea, is also executive produced by show runner Prentice Penny, and director Melina Matsoukas, who helms three episodes of “Insecure,” as well as Michael Rotenberg, Dave Becky and Jonathan Berry.