The BET+ drama series Angel, which initially premiered with three episodes back in 2023 on the streamer, is getting additional episodes for a full season. Three new cast members have also come aboard for the full season, including Tyler Lepley, Duane Martin and Richard T. Jones.
Those three join current series regulars Efrangeliz Medina, Siya, MC Lyte, Lil Mama, EJ King, Iyana Halley and Malcolm Kelley. Amin Joseph, Brooklyn McLinn and Stephen Bishop are also set to appear.
Considered a prequel to the novel Dutch, the series follows Angel (Medina), “the queen of Dutch’s empire. Angel grew up abused and afraid, even trying to take her own life before she was ten. After the murder of her foster mother, 17-year-old Angel is left to take care of three younger foster sisters with no money or place to live. When Angel becomes a suspect in the murder, she turns to Diamond (Siya), a gangster, for help. Diamond quickly grooms her into one of the most dangerous females on the streets of New Jersey. As the bodies start to pile up, intimidating Detective Monroe has Angel worried, because one wrong move could send her to jail for life.”
Lepley will play Yella, Craze’s older brother and a ruthless drug lord who “lures Angel into the illicit business he’s been wrapped up in since his early teens. Martin is Varnell, “a street gangster and mentor to Dutch.” Jones is McCoy, “Angel’s attorney and the only person fighting for her outside the four walls of a prison.”
MC Lyle is making her directing debut for an episode in this season, and Jamal Hill and David Wolfgang, both directors for the original three episodes, return to split the remaining shows.
The series is created, written and produced by Yolanda Halley. Manny Halley serves as writer and executive producer. Rodney Turner II also produces and Siergio Michael is a writer as well.
“Angel found an audience on BET+ in just three episodes, and that audience asked for more,” said MannyHalley in a statement. “As we continue the twists and turns of our story with the many-layered characters in our show, we look forward to working with these seasoned actors who have all been recognized for their exceptional work in the dramatic performance space.”