Canada's School District 74 launched a campaign in January, addressing racism with posters featuring quotes from school administrators on their personal experiences. According to CBC, the posters shined a light on white privilege, featured phrases like, "Got privilege?" and "If you don't have to think about it, it's a privilege."

Some parents are raising concerns about the posters, though.

One parent in particular, Kansas Field Allen, expressed her grievances via Facebook and asked other parents to join in on the conversation. Another parent complained they were not made aware of the campaign before the posters were displayed.

"We are trying to acknowledge that racism does exist and that some people, as a result of racism, are disadvantaged," noted Teresa Downs, superintendent for School District 74.

Every school within the district chose to put up the posters. 

"We were also very aware of some information we had from [students] in our school district around some of the racism and prejudice and bias that they were facing, both in their schools and also in the community," Downs continued, explaining how the posters came to be.

One of Allen's concerns is broaching the topic of racism with students; some of whom she believed to be too young for such a conversation.

"You and I can talk as adults about these posters, but what do you say to a first-grader?," Allen questioned.

However, Downs believes no child is too young to be taught tolerance. The superintendent said, "I think children have incredible capacity to observe and learn about the world around them."

Downs realizes the topic will be difficult, but notes it is important to continue the discussion. 

"We really think the one-on-one, face-to-face dialogue is what is best around such a complex issue and matter," Downs said."We do understand that this is a discussion about race and privilege, and it can make some people uncomfortable."

British Columbia Minister of Education Rob Fleming noted that students in the Canadian province typically learn about discrimination and race at an early age, and says that his schools have always tried to combat racism. 

Fleming said, "I think anything that furthers that discussion and understanding amongst our students is a good thing and that's been part of the curriculum for some time now."