Amina Stevens is a pioneer when it comes to real estate and reality TV as her TV series showcases the entire process of a first-time homebuyer.
On Dec. 30, OWN’s new unscripted show, First-Time Buyer’s Club, hosted by Stevens, made its debut. This is OWN’s second time showcasing Black realtors on TV since 2022’s Ladies Who List: Atlanta. The concept behind the series is to give the public an intimate look at how diverse and complex circumstances for first-time home buyers can be. The entrepreneur recently sat down with Blavity to give an inside look at her show.
“I’ve taken it so seriously and feel so amazing to be able to be that person that is bringing the kind of real estate show and real estate education to the market that I feel like we’ve been needing,” the 30-year-old told Blavity’s Shadow and Act Unscripted in a recent interview.
It was a four-year process for Stevens and OWN to get to the premiere episode last month. Although there were some hiccups along the way due to the pandemic and other moving parts behind the scenes, she believes everything worked out for her and the network’s best interest because the show offers a different look from the buyer’s perspective that hasn’t been highlighted on a platform like this.
“It has been a roller coaster ride. One that I didn’t even know I was about to get back on until a few months ago, really when we started filming again,” the Chicago native said.
“There isn’t a place on real estate TV for a show like this, so they’re taking a huge risk in regards to producing a show that doesn’t have a script, that doesn’t have a desired ending,” she continued. “They’re like, ‘Hey, if a person buys a house, we’re gonna show that they bought the house. If the house falls through in inspections, we’ll show that. If the person quits the process, we’re gonna show that’ because they believe in the show so much and the impact of telling these stories, so it’s been really amazing to be welcomed with open arms to be able to show the reality of real estate even when OWN doesn’t know how the audience is gonna receive it, has never done a show like this on their network, and it’s not really one that has been done before.”
As a former educator, she believes the transferrable skills she applied to her in-depth approach as a real estate agent will be a useful rule of thumb for anyone looking for a well-rounded and knowledgeable agent.
“I call it the ‘Homes by Amina Experience,’ right? It’s comprehensive. We’re not just going through the real estate process, putting in a contract, and keeping it moving. I’m not gatekeeping this information, right? I know how important it is that this information and these tools and these resources get out to the community,” Stevens said. “So, I know the value of intellectual capital, so my objective and my mission is deeper than just getting them a house. I’ve gotta give you this information and you gotta understand it.”
She added, “It’s like I’m giving them different tools along the way to empower them to continue along the process to help them feel comfortable with their decision.”
Stevens hopes that showing a range of people who are in unique stages of their lives, different ages, and of different financial statuses will help debunk some of the long-standing myths within the Black community that typically hinder many from making their first investment in real estate.
“What is a first-time home buyer? We’re examining that question time and time again throughout the show and challenging whatever notion someone might have about what that looks like and what that person has to be,” she said. “And really, the overarching idea here is that, do you want to buy, do you believe in this home ownership thing? Because if so, there’s a journey and a path for anybody to get there.”
In addition, by the veil being lifted regarding certain ingrained beliefs, the Homes By Amina Group founder feels the relationship between her community and real estate can not only be transformed but newfound confidence can grow, which will enable them to purchase their first home.
“I think that what the show does is not only is it focusing on the journey of the client, right? But as you’ll see as I’m interacting with each client and everybody’s a little bit different and I take a different approach, they’re realizing that way I can navigate these stormy seas, I can navigate these waters if I have a great advisor on my side….if I have somebody that is finding the resources for me,” Stevens said.
First-Time Buyer’s Club airs Saturdays at 9/8 p.m. CT on OWN.