You know that moment when you're out here just minding your business and suddenly you get a phone call or email that the opportunity you've been waiting for has finally come through? Or, that split second when you're bolted over with an idea or inspiration that stops you dead in your tracks? There is nothing more exhilarating than these magical instances when everything you've ever done and all of your experiences and abilities meld together in one epiphany and you just know, on a molecular level, that your life will never be the same! What do you do with that energy? If you're anything like me and Quinta here, you want to milly rock on every block, shout it out from the mountains and tell everyone you know.

dance dancing quinta milly rock quinta b

Photo credit: Twitter

Slow down there whoadie! As natural as this impulse may be, it's not always best. In the brilliant words of Lil Wayne, sometimes it's better to "move in silence like lasagna."

Here are a few reasons why it's sometimes necessary just to stay low and grind.

1. Ideas need time.

atlanta donald glover shh atlanta fx shhhh

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So you have a brilliant idea, but how are you going to execute it? When are you going to start? How are you going to transform this inspiration into reality? You're still in the idea phase and that's fine. Enjoy the moment, but if you share your vision right now you're going to get questions that you aren't prepared to answer.

2. Others might not share your vision.

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Not everyone is going to see the beauty and potential that you see, and you can't expect them to. This is your baby, it's your job to protect and nurture it.

3. New ideas can be easily stolen.

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Photo credit: Bustle

Let's say someone does share the same enthusiasm for your idea. That may not be a good thing. Placed in the wrong hands, your brilliant idea could become your worst nightmare. Sometimes you have to play your hand close to your chest so no one can cheat you out of your win.

4. People will critique.

eye roll over it can't even titus burgess


You're super sensitive right now — maybe even a little irrational. Any critique, no matter how logical or well intended, feels like hate at this stage. You're not looking for feedback, you want validation and you're going to resent anything less. Why open yourself up to that kind of unnecessary animosity?

5. Haters can send bad energy.

BET Hip Hop Awards bet dj khaled hip hop awards 2016 i know they dont want me to win this award

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No matter how pure your intentions, sharing your good news can provoke jealousy. Not everyone wants to see you win. This doesn't make them bad, no one is immune from casual bouts of hateration, but vibes are real and transferable. Your dream is in it's embryonic stage right now and that kind of negative energy can be detrimental.

6. You'll need to protect your enthusiasm.

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That hopeful, child-like excitement is there for a reason. It's the fuel you're going to need to get you through the challenges that will inevitably come with the new opportunity you're stepping into. Enthusiasm is the currency of destiny. Protect it at all costs!

Life is good, enjoy your win, but as tempting as it may be to put yourself all the way out there, it's probably best to show some restraint. Stay humble, keep moving in the direction of your goals and let your life do the talking.

The transition into adulthood isn’t an easy one. Navigating relationships, managing workplace politics, hitting those milestones on schedule— don’t be fooled, no one knows what they’re doing. There will be all kinds of fumbles, blunders and awkward missteps along the way. If you’re constantly wondering to yourself, “Am I doing this right?” Welcome. This is just the place for you.