Stenberg, in collaboration with LA’s Stranger Comics, will be a part of a new comic book series titled NIOBE:She Is Life. In the pre-order summary, Niobe Ayutami  is described as an “…orphaned wild elf teenager and would-be savior of the vast and volatile fantasy world of Asunda. She is running from a past where the Devil himself would see her damned… toward an epic future that patiently waits for her to bind nations against the hordes of Hell!”


For Stenberg, this is another platform for her to continue her good work in speaking out for and to marginalized people of color. Whether it be in video or social media format, Stenberg does not shy away from telling these narratives. In a statement with the Huffington Post, Stenberg describes Niobe as a girl who is “on a path to a destiny that will test her faith and her will, something we can all relate to. But there’s never been a character quite like her — one who shatters the traditional ideal of what a hero is. We need more badass girls!”

The comic book, written by Stranger Comic’s president Sebastian A. Jones and Stenberg and illustrated by  illustrator Ashley A. Woods, is expected to hit shelves on November 4th. You can pre-order the book now.
